'Cartoon for children. How Handy Andy helps an ambulance car'

'Cartoon for children.  How Handy Andy helps an ambulance car'
07:13 Sep 9, 2023
'How Handy Andy helps an ambulance car  - https://youtu.be/WDyCdVe7JAk --------------------------------- ► The link for the coloring pages: https://yadi.sk/i/YovD9YEP3HWPnb --------------------------------- Handy-Andy:  You are right! It’s my new car! Hello everyone! i’m going to use this jeep for a couple days, because my Megamax needs to be fixed. It needs detailed technical checking. It was flying a lot for the last couple days. Do you remember when Emmy’s car was stolen, thieves wanted to escape on a ferry? Megamax helped not only get Smart back but even helped the police to arrest thieves. It did great job – now it needs a rest. I’m going to call Emmy – maybe, she will come to the movie with me? (calling Emmy) Hello, Emmy, how are you? Let’s go to the cinema with me! What about this? Emmy (she is sick, her voice is down, she was poisoned) Hello, Handy-Andy… I don’t feel good today. My stomach hurts and I have high temperature… Feel dizzy… I’m in a bed, I don’t have any energy even to stand up. So, I’m sorry, I cannot go today… Handy-Andy (warried): Is your temperature high?! Stomach hurts?! Maybe, you have food poison?! What could you eat bad?! Tell me!! Emmy (guilty): Last night I bought apples on the market, and ate couple on my way home. They were dirty…   Handy-Andy (warried): Dirty apples?! Now everything clear!!! Don’t worry – I\'m going to phone ambulance, they will help you. Handy-Andy (hung up, upset): I didn’t expect that from Emmy! To eat dirty apples from the market?! Remember my friends – you have to wash every vegetable and fruit before eating. There are a lot of microbes and dirt on them, and they can be very dangerous and lead to different illnesses! If they go into your body consequences will be very bad! Can you see what happened to Emmy? Ok. I have to call the ambulance – they will help her get better fast. And then I will go to visit her.  Handy-Andy (calling the ambulance): Hello! We need the ambulance to the address Garden street, house №21. Girl has high temperature and stomachache! Thank you, I’m waiting for you! (hung up): the ambulance will drive past my house in a few minutes. I’m going to wait for it and follow it – to Emmy’s house. I worry about her. We can hear sirens of ambulance.  Handy-Andy: Oh! Here is the ambulance! I’m following it! Take care Emmy, we are coming!  There is a traffic jam on the road in two sides Handy-Andy (unhappily): Here we go!! // Not now! The cross road is blocked! This traffic jam is for couple hours here. What should we do? This is the only road to Emmy’s house! We don’t have a lot of time! Ambulance turns on sirens Handy-Andy: The ambulance turned its sirens on – the other cars must let it go. But it doesn’t help. What a strange people you are! The ambulance is in a hurry to a sick person!  The ambulance goes to a sidewalk, to pass the traffic jam Handy-Andy: Oh! I see the ambulance has decided to pass the traffic jam by going on a sidewalk. It started going fast! (ambulance knocks down the fens and its front wheels go to a trench) Oops! Worker (who saw what happened): Where are you going?!  Handy-Andy (scared): What a day today?! The ambulance stuck in a trench with its front wheels. Knocked down fire hydrant – the water is running like a fountain now to a road. Seems like ambulance driver didn’t notice the fen, and he couldn’t turn. So he went right to the trench. He is lucky that the trench is not deep. But the ambulance cannot go from there itself – we need to pull it out. It’s great that I’m driving jeep today – I’m going to attach the tow rope now and start pulling. // (serious) I have to try to do everything fast – we have already lost a lot of time, and Emmy is waiting for us with temperature? (Handy-Andy, attached the rope) The rope is attached! Let’s start! // Go… go …! // It’s not so easy as I thought… The ambulance is very heavy… Let’s do it, my car, a little bit left!!! Come on! Go! Go! Go! More! I have to pull the ambulance! A little bit left! Help me, my car! Come on! All right! We did it!!! Now we need to move from here and go very fast to Emmy! But how can we move???  Worker: I’m going to move my truck and let you go!  Handy-Andy (happy): I hope that all troubles finished now! We are on our way to Emmy’s house! Couple more blocks left – and we will get there. (arrived) Here is Emmy’s house! The doctor from the ambulance: Hello! I’m a doctor. I was told on the phone that you have a stomachache, and your temperature is high. I’m going to write prescription for you – and everything will be all right in a few days! I have an aid kit with me – there is everything what we need to provide first aid! But you have to promise never eat dirty apples again, and not only apples but all fruit and vegetables should be washed before eating. Emmy (shy): I promise, doctor!' 

Tags: family , fun , for kids , surprise , kids story , kids videos , Cartoon , car , education , cartoons for children , color , COLOUR , educational , for children , learning videos , colors , educational video , cartoons for kids , cartoon for children , Ambulance , cars for kids , toddlers , IDS , monster trucks , Emmy , Police Car , blaze and the monster machines , car cartoons , örümcek adam , monster machines , toy cars for children , cartoon about cars , handy andy , isneycartoys , policy car , kid cop , baby police

See also:

