'Fitness Blender Application Video (Fullbody 30 Minute Workout)'

'Fitness Blender Application Video (Fullbody 30 Minute Workout)'
14:49 Feb 6, 2022
'*To Fitness Blender, my write up is in this description :) *  Fullbody 30 Minute Workout  What you will need:  - Jump Rope (Or just your body weight for a quick 5 min warm-up with jumping jacks, running in place, walking in place. Anything to get that body WARM)  - Dumbells AND/OR Kettlebells (Heavy and light that\'s relative to your needs) - Pull-Up Bar  - Bench/Chair - Yoga Mat - Water Bottle  Step 1: Warm-Up 5 Min warm up with your jump rope. Set your timer for 5 minutes, and have at it. Remember not to use too much energy for the warm up. We are just getting the body ready to stretch and for our initial workout itself.   Step 2: Stetch We are doing two stretches for the warmup. First The Squat Prayer stretch. Place your hands together in prayer fashion, and squat as deep as possible with using your elbows to push your knees and hips for a good stretch. Lean side to side holding each lean for about 3-5 seconds. This stretch also help ankle mobility as well as warming up your knees. Hint: if you\'re you\'re having trouble with depth or if your heels are coming up during the stretch, use a plate weight holding it in front to help even it out.  Second stretch, The World\'s Greatest stretch. Get into lunge formation and place your hand on the ground opposite of your front leg. Reach with the opposite hand into a thoracic stretch as seen in video. Then reach under as far as possible for a good lat stretch and if possible bring hips down a little while still keeping that back knee straight to help stretch hips. Repeat 3-5 times PER SIDE.   Step 3: Round 1 - Perform each exercise back to back to back then 30 sec break and perform again.  Strength (Squat & Press) 5 reps each side  Weight Training (One Handed Bent Over Row) 12 reps each side BW Cardio (Elevated Pushups) Max Repetitions  Take 1-2 minute break.   Step 4: Round 2 - Perform each exercise back to back to back then 30 sec break and perform again. Strength (Unilateral Floor Press) 5 reps each side  Weight Training (Bulgarian Split Squat) 12 reps each side BW Cardio (Pull-ups [Assisted if needed]) Max Repetitions  Take 1-2 minute break.   Step 5: Round 3 - Perform each exercise back to back to back then 30 sec break and perform again.  Strength (Chin Up) 5 reps each side  Weight Training (Seated Arnold Press) 12 reps each side BW Cardio (3 sec Time under Tension BW Squats) Max Repetitions  End of workout. Remember to have fun and go at your own pace. :)' 
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