'Rate a Fitness YouTuber: @Alexander Bromley of Empire Barbell'

'Rate a Fitness YouTuber: @Alexander Bromley of Empire Barbell'
11:20 Mar 22, 2022
'I\'ve followed Alexander Bromley for a regrettably short period of time, and I wish I discovered his channel far earlier. Don\'t make the same mistake that I (or the YouTube algorithm) did, check him out!   Bromley is very experienced and knowledgeable and explains everything in a very clear, simple and concise manner. His content isn\'t flashy or hyper-entertaining, but if you are subscribed to me...you probably aren\'t all that into that kind of thing anyway. Don\'t expect to be yelled at or be told to train harder, but do expect some very well-reasoned and logical nuggets of information consistently delivered in every video.     Alexander Bromley is a channel devoted almost entirely to strength: from movements to programming to technique to strongman to powerlifting to injury prevention and rehabilitation to specific program assessments this is one of THE BEST strength channels that I\'ve found, up there with RP and JTS.     If you want to get strong, he\'s the guy who\'s content you want to binge on.     You know what must be done.    Call in sick.    Getting strong is more important than your job anyway.    Geoff\'s Training Plans/Coaching? Email geodude412 (at symbol thingy) yahoo (dot symbol thingy) com Geoff\'s Book? (Has 4.7 stars, rave reviews, enjoy!) https://www.verityfit.com/product-page/sweat Geoff\'s Instagram? https://www.instagram.com/geoffreyverityschofield/ Geoff\'s Medium? https://medium.com/@geoffreyschofield Geoff\'s Quora? (you probably already know!) https://www.quora.com/profile/Geoffrey-Verity-Schofield' 

Tags: strength , strength training , fitness youtuber , Best Fitness Youtubers , rate a fitness youtuber , alexander bromley , alexander bromley bench , alexander bromley squat , alexander bromley deadlift , alexander bromley bracing , alexander bromley westside , alexander bromley 5/3/1 , alexander bromley programming , alexander bromley overhead press , alexander bromley smolov , alexander bromley squat series , alexander bromley speed work , alexander bromley diet , rate a fitness

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